Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January 6, 2020
204 lbs. Lost 2 lbs. from yesterday. Still consuming only black coffee, water with electrolytes and apple cider vinegar and vitamins.

Exercise: 30 minutes of high intensity interval training on Elliptical.

Fifty two hours into fast and feeling great and energetic! I have been doing 16/8 fasting for several months, eating within an 8 hr. window and fasting for 16 hrs. . I've also done  OMAD (one meal a day) fasting. I also completed a 58 hr. fast in December. If you consider fasting, I would recommend that you ease into it. If you are several pounds overweight, I would suggest you go on a KETO diet. This puts your body into ketosis (using fat for energy instead of carbohydrates). This has made fasting easy for me.

Benefits (click on graph to expand):

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