Weight: Forgot to weigh this morning. Must start eating more "brain" food.
Breakfast: Two tbsp. of peanut butter on two slices of whole wheat toast. Cup of coffe, with creamer and sweetener
Lunch: Ate at Hutchins Barbecue in "Historic Downtown Mckinney". Had 10 ounces of pulled pork. I'm guessing. NO I didn't ask the man to weigh it. I bet you can't find a scale in a GOOD barbecue restaurants. Also had green beans, and barbecue beans. One cup of barbecue sauce (350 calories). It's in the sauce! All the good stuff has the calories. Without the sauce this would have been a good choice. The sauce makes it not even a "Better Bad Choice" but a bad choice for a meal.
Dinner: Schlotzki's small original sandwich and diet coke. Too many carbs but I was craving it.
Snack: 4 walnuts.
Yesterday I attributed my lower than normal cholesterol results to omega 3. While I don't "diet", if you pay attention to what I eat, you'll notice there is not a lot of carbohydrates. Low carbohydrates forces your body to use fat for energy. To do that your body has to have the right chemical make up to convert that fat. That is another reason for my lower cholesterol. I've discussed these chemicals in earlier post.
1 comment:
Just to let you know my good news, I got the results back from blood work and everything was fine. I attribute some of my good fortune to reading your blog daily. I do try to keep the carbs down like you say in your blog today but man do I love those Cheez-Its. I am off to the Y for a work out (forty minutes on the AMT and 9 strength machines and some stretching)and then stay for a few more hours coaching others. Might as well get me a cot and spend the night. Later!
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