Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry 1/28/09

After a tour sponsored by McDonalds, Wendys, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell and some other fast food chains, Michelangelo's David is being returned to Italy. Grazie Italy.

Thanks Cuz for the newsflash

No that is not a before and after of me!

Weight: 236 lbs.

Breakfast: 4 slices of Turkey Bacon, 2 fried eggs (just a tad of grease from the bacon. Turkey bacon has little grease) Cup of coffee with cream, sweetener and cocoa

Lunch: Bowl of chilli, with 2 slices of cheese on top, grilled cheese sandwich and 8 oz. skim milk.

Dinner: 2 pieces of fried fish, 3 popcorn shrimp my granddaughter didn't eat, and cole slaw. Diet Pepsi. One spoonful of ice cream sundae my wife made me eat.

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