Friday, February 20, 2009

Entry 1/20/09

Weight: 234 lbs Yeah, another pound! I bet that is mostly water and glycogen loss. Not muscle because I've been exercising this week, including weights. Some of it may be brain matter as my wife will attest.

I've found it takes 4 days to spot a trend in FAT loss. If you are daily eating at least 1200 calories for females or 1800 for males on average and exercising at least at a moderate level at least 4 times a week, you're loss in weight over a 4 day period is at least partially fat. Since your scales weigh everything- food ingested, water, glycogen, muscle and fat, measurements around the thighs, hips, waist and neck can be used along with the scales, to more accurately access the amount of fat you are losing.

I know this is off subject but I thought important enough to include here. I just received an email containing a story about a couple in Austin Texas who were involved in an accident. They were rear-ended by a 17 year old teenager who was going 70 at the time of impact. There were no skid marks no evidence of an attempt to avoid the car in front. Phone records indicate she was texting a friend at the time. Folks, generations of people got by just fine without phone texting even cell phones for thousands of years! Some things can wait!

The family before the accident:

The little boy after the accident:

After four hours of brain surgery:

The little boy is going to be fine with no disabilities. The parents and the teenager had minor injuries and are okay. Praise God

Snack: 16 blueberries

I would like to thank everyone for your comments. The information from Phil about "runner stitches" was helpful. And regarding his statement about being in good shape for two old dudes I would have to agree. When I was younger and observing people the age I am now, I never thought that I could be doing the physical things I do now. I'm 61, maybe Phil would share his age with us.:)

Snack: Medium Jazz apple. They are good-sweet/tart taste and very crisp.

Dinner: Two pork chops (maybe the best I've ever had), grilled mixed vegetables (carrots, green beans, cauliflower,broccoli) and iced tea.

Ate with three great friends, brothers and sister in Christ, Laurie, Kyle and their son Kevin. Always pleasant to be with them. They were making a re-run of Home Alone with their other son Jason, who is arriving home from a school trip to D.C. :)


Unknown said...

I should show my husband your post. He is 31 yrs old and texts while he drives! He thinks it's ok because he is a "pro" at it. Ofcourse he wont listen to me.

Anonymous said...

Hated to hear about the tragic story from Austin but it could have been worse. I am afraid at my age to drive and chew gum at the same time. Speaking of age I don't mind letting Jerry's readers know that I am 62. Let the record show that I am only 6 months older than Jerry but I must admit he does look much younger. Later

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